Updating Patches’ and Rusty’s Story

I haven’t posted on this blog for a long time (years), but wanted to let you all know I’m still alive, and so are Patches and Rusty.

I caught Rusty looking at me as I snapped the photo with phone.

Patches enjoys the Bath and Body Works box. She feels very secure in it.

Patches enjoys the Bath and Body Works box.

As you can see, they are still with me, and we are all striving to survive as best we can, since we are (all 3 of us) are getting up there in age.  As expected, there have been lots of bumps in the road, but as we take one at a time (sometimes more than one at a time), we persevere – of course, with the help of our animal hospital.  LItterbox issues, bladder infections, changes of food, changes of litter, etc.  Through it all, Patches and Rusty remain lovable, endearing, and recover their good nature.

Rusty still bounces and runs and jumps as high as his short legs will allow and Patches spends most of her time resting and sleeping.

Rusty reached 13 last September.  The vet tech told me she thought he was much younger – he has a young-looking face and his color is still bright.

After all these years, Patches has begun to enjoy petting on her tummy.  She doesn’t go all the way on her back, but sideways works very well.  She has difficulty walking and/or moving quickly, but when she does move faster, she has a funny gait as her back legs are kind of hunched, and are trying to catch up with her front ones.  She celebrated her 16th birthday in February!

Patches still would rather not have Rusty around, but she tolerates him always trying to be friends with her.

So, I’m glad to have had the chance on updating our situations at this time, and I look forward to peeking in more often.  Take care. 🙂

After The Nap And The Yawn…

…comes the bath.

Rusty, caught you bathing 1 Rusty, caught you bathing 2 Rusty, caught you bathing 3



Trying Out A New Napping Spot

I recently received a new delivery of Bath and Body Works products.

I can’t decide if the residual odors, or the size, or attractive blue color of the cozy-looking box was responsible for Rusty’s affinity to it.

Maybe all of the above.

Rusty, Caught you napping

Anyway, just as I was going to move away to let him continue his beautiful nap, he yawned.

Rusty, caught you yawning


Beach Time

Rusty and Patches have never been to the beach.  And never will be.

However, I think, if they use their imagination, they could believe they are there.  Anyway, here are their pretend photos of “At the Beach.”

almost like being at the beach 2

What could be more “beachy” than fish, sun and waves?

almost like being at the beach

Patches even has her pretend pink whale to keep her company while she’s “absorbing” some ‘rays.

Kitchen Closed

Rusty never seems to be satisfied.  He’s a very good eater – really loves to eat.

Sorry, Rusty.  Not yet.

Sorry, Rusty. Not yet.


Aww geee!

Aww geee!


Rusty checks back, just in case.

Rusty checks back, just in case.



Chowing Down

It’s fun to watch the two of them when they are making good use of the food bowls.

I love how they line up in unison, “copy-catting” each other.

Chompin' away.

Chompin’ away.

Nothing interrupts their concentration.

Or, is that always the case?

Patches has to see what I'm doing standing in back of them.  Rusty always concentrates - no matter what is going on around him.  Right now, his world is the bowl, and nothing else matters!!

Patches has to see what I’m doing standing in back of them. Rusty always concentrates – no matter what is going on around him. Right now, his world is the bowl, and nothing else matters!!

Chillin’ Out

Cats have different personalities and habits even if they’re of the same breed.

Take a look:


I found Patches chillin' out on the patio tile floor.

I found Patches chillin’ out on the patio tile floor.

Rusty was camped out of the tile floor near my kitchen chair.

Rusty was camped out on the tile floor near my kitchen chair.

Rusty Has A New Toy (video)

Rusty belongs to the “Exotic Shorthair” breed – “Exotic,” for short.  In “layman’s” terms, he’s also called a “short haired Persian”; however, the two breeds are recognized separately by the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA).

The breed is very laid-back; in other words, they are not usually active in general.  When thinking of the breed standard behavior, one could imagine a cat that just lays around, catching “40 winks” most of the day (and perhaps also night), and is very content.  The occasional petting session is a bonus.

Rusty, I believe, is an exception. He runs around a lot, and is always coming over to me wherever I am in the house, and asks for my attention.  I follow him and he usually takes me to where I can understand what he wants, looking back and talking to me, making sure I’m still following.  What a guy!

Toys are a mystery – to me – because it is difficult to find a toy that will create an interest so that he will actually attack and play with it.  I found a new one just recently that got him excited.  See video below:

Hello Everyone! I’ve Missed You All

I don’t have my camera handy, but I have company again here in my office.  My absence has been long, I know.  I will try to make my post as concise as I can (I’m not known for being concise).  Here’s the story:

Way back around Thanksgiving, I started to have an attack – back and sciatica pain.  It just got worse, and if it weren’t for my sister’s and her husband’s help, I would not have been able to get through my days.  Pain was so bad, that I made visits to the ER twice.

As it got closer to Christmas time, the situation was quite dire, and I said to myself, “What if this attack will not end?  How can I keep on depending upon others to get  me through the days and more importantly, is it wise and fair to have others take care of not only me, but also my cats?”

Blogging was impossible.  Couldn’t sit for long.

In the middle of all this, it was found that Rusty had struvite crystals in his urine, and had to be rushed to the vet.  New special food needed to be introduced into his diet to diminish the formation of these crystals.  Evidently, he has a sensitive stomach, and he was vomiting just about every day.  I was changing the food very slowly – for almost a month – and still, when I went over half new food and half old, he couldn’t tolerate it.  This stress on all of us was extreme.  I thought I had it down to a science – half new and half old, and that seemed to be OK.

Was I being selfish to my family to continue to have them care for Rusty, Romeo and Patches?  After all, they (sister and husband) had never taken care of cats before, and even though they insisted they “didn’t mind at all,” I found it so difficult to be the one receiving the help.  I’m a very independent woman.  Also, in the back of my mind was the question, “What will happen to my cats if I suddenly die tomorrow?”  I had not made any plans for that eventuality.  Next month, I will reach my 78th!  It sounds like a big number.  It is.

So, I made the decision:  they needed to be re-homed!

To be continued tomorrow…


Totally Self-Assured

This photograph speaks for itself.  Just look at that body language!!
