Grieving Mama Cat Who Lost All Three Babies Matched With Three Abandoned Kittens

Love this story. Very touching, about a new mama who lost her own three babies.

Going With The Flow

Pussycats 3 is a busy place.  The three of them are continually changing their preferences.  I noticed Romeo seemed to want to spend more time lately on the couch (he’s smart) than on my desk (it gets crowded many times as you have seen in previous posts).  So, using good ol’ human ingenuity, I solved that problem.


Romeo 2

Romeo 3

The towel did a good job of keeping all that fur off the couch (Romeo prefers the towel now); however, there is another positive result in using the towel:

Romeo 4

Now, Rusty has the desk all to himself!!

Japans Cat Man

I was very taken with this story about a Japanese man adopting 9 stray cats. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Japan is well-known for its love of cats and cat culture. They were the first to pioneer cat cafes, which have since popped up all over the world, and they even have their very own island where cats dominate and outnumber people 6 to 1.

Japan also has Masahiko Suga, a 53-year-old retired electronics company worker who has become the countries first official cat man.

Japan, Cats, Japans Cat man, Japans Cat culture, Cat cafes, Cat Island, Equality for Cats, Masahiko Suga,

Masahiko can been seen walking his nine cats around Kitakyushu’s central shopping district area in south-west Japan. His daily walks have earned him the name of ‘Cat Man of Kyushu”, or Cat Uncle.

Japan, Cats, Japans Cat man, Japans Cat culture, Cat cafes, Cat Island, Equality for Cats, Masahiko Suga, Image – The Happy Lab

Masahiko rescued his first stray cat in 1999 and he said that they relieved his work stress but started taking them outside when they began to damage his furniture. Masahiko tells The Asahi Shimbun that he is happy if he “can give an opportunity for cat…

View original post 180 more words

Oops! Sorry I Woke You, Patches

I guess I wasn’t quiet enough.  I wanted to take a photo of Patches while she slept – she looked so beautiful!  But, she caught me as I caught her, half awake.


It Looks Like Pussycats 3 Is Likeable!

What a lovely surprise!  And leave it to WordPress to keep tabs on numbers and statistics.


Thank you to all you Awesome Bloggers who like my Pussycats3, starring Patches, Rusty and Romeo.

One Of Rusty’s Favorite Relaxation Cushions: Newspapers

When I’m in the kitchen, Rusty likes to be near, and it doesn’t matter where he parks himself.  This time, he found a wonderful cushion of newspapers.  Feels just right.



Romeo Knows How To Relax

How could I forget about Romeo when it comes to having a conversation about relaxation?  He’s one of the most experienced on that subject.

"Mr. Handsome" is no slouch in the relaxation department.

“Mr. Handsome” is no slouch in the relaxation department.  A more frequent favorite place is on Mom’s bed in the afternoon.

Relaxation Personified: Patches

Cats instinctively know how to relax after a hard day of having fun, eating and exercising.  Patches is no exception!


Patches 2

Patches 3

One of her favorite places is on the couch in the living room.  She knows where the best places are!

One of her favorite places is on a couch wherever it is.  This time it’s in the living room. She knows where the best places are!  And she loves to have a pillow nearby to lean on.

Ah, yes, Patches.  You are special.

Trying To Solve A Mystery

I walked into the bathroom the other evening, and found Rusty sitting on the edge of the bathtub, fixated on something outside on the other side of the glass blocks.  Since it was nighttime, I couldn’t see what had caught his attention, but it probably was a lizard.  After all, we have plenty of them here in South Florida, and was attracted to the light from inside.

mysteryAs usual, I grabbed my camera to get some shots while he was continuously following whatever was outside.

mystery 2

Evidently, the lizard moved across the window, and of course, Rusty followed it to the other side of the tub.

Evidently, the lizard moved across the window, and of course, Rusty followed it to the other side of the tub.

mystery 4

Oops!  It looks like the lizard moved to the other side again.  What a tease it is.  I'm sure it knows that Rusty would love to play with it.

Oops! It looks like the lizard moved to the other side again. What a tease it is. I’m sure it knows that Rusty would love to play with it.

I enjoy watching Rusty enjoy himself.  He’s such a pleasure!!

Celery Security Guard

As I mentioned in an earlier post, Rusty likes to be around and see what his Mom is up to in the kitchen.

Getting things together in preparation for cooking up a batch of chicken soup caught Rusty’s curiosity.  (Everything catches his curiosity!)


Doing his due diligence!          

celery 3

Rusty’s stare means: “Don’t anyone dare touch the celery – it belongs to Mom!”

Rusty's stare means:  "Don't anyone dare touch the celery - it belongs to Mom!"

Mom, do you need the celery now?  If not, I’ll keep watch over it for you.