We’re Down To One, Now

Hi Y’all!

It’s been a year.  We’re in full onslaught of COVID-19 pandemic.  So far, Rusty and I are well, and trying to keep our sanity (mine) during this medical and economic crisis.

Unfortunately, I lost my “Baby Girl” Patches.  She was 17 and one month old.  As described in my last posting, a year ago, she suffered with a few medical and physical problems.  She became progressively worse, and I knew I couldn’t put off the inevitable any longer.  It was time.

I called in a gentle, kind-hearted veterinarian who makes house calls, and he agreed we needed to end her suffering.  He came the next day, and we said a sad good-bye to the sweetest girl.

She wasn’t upset; in fact, I believe she knew.  She was relaxed,  I held her, petted her, and then she was gone.

Sorry to share this now – but I figured you all who have been such great bloggers and friends who  have looked in to this blog on occasion, over the years, should know what happened.

Thank you so much.

Updating Patches’ and Rusty’s Story

I haven’t posted on this blog for a long time (years), but wanted to let you all know I’m still alive, and so are Patches and Rusty.

I caught Rusty looking at me as I snapped the photo with phone.

Patches enjoys the Bath and Body Works box. She feels very secure in it.

Patches enjoys the Bath and Body Works box.

As you can see, they are still with me, and we are all striving to survive as best we can, since we are (all 3 of us) are getting up there in age.  As expected, there have been lots of bumps in the road, but as we take one at a time (sometimes more than one at a time), we persevere – of course, with the help of our animal hospital.  LItterbox issues, bladder infections, changes of food, changes of litter, etc.  Through it all, Patches and Rusty remain lovable, endearing, and recover their good nature.

Rusty still bounces and runs and jumps as high as his short legs will allow and Patches spends most of her time resting and sleeping.

Rusty reached 13 last September.  The vet tech told me she thought he was much younger – he has a young-looking face and his color is still bright.

After all these years, Patches has begun to enjoy petting on her tummy.  She doesn’t go all the way on her back, but sideways works very well.  She has difficulty walking and/or moving quickly, but when she does move faster, she has a funny gait as her back legs are kind of hunched, and are trying to catch up with her front ones.  She celebrated her 16th birthday in February!

Patches still would rather not have Rusty around, but she tolerates him always trying to be friends with her.

So, I’m glad to have had the chance on updating our situations at this time, and I look forward to peeking in more often.  Take care. 🙂


One of my favorite sports.  It’s so relaxing.

rusty-knows-how-to-relax-2 rusty-knows-how-to-relax

Where’s My Food?

The doctor said I gained a pound at my recent visit. I wasn’t too active because I wasn’t feeling too good, and just slept a lot.  That’s fixed now, but she tried to fix the weight problem.

So, Mom decided to starve me.  She took away “free feed.”

But, it didn’t last very long.  I persuaded her to go back on “free feed.”  Now, I’m happy again.

wheres-my-food wheres-my-food-4 wheres-my-food-3 wheres-my-food-2

Bright Eyes


Eyes Caught in the Flash

Eyes Caught in the Flash


In tandem.


Mom says I lay around too much and sleep too much.  She wishes I would be more active.  So, I’m accomplishing both at the same time!!!  POL

Stretching if good for fitness.

Stretching is good for fitness.


Fresh Air.


Breathing in some fresh air.

This is a rare occasion.  Mom doesn’t let us out in the screened vestibule very often; in fact, this may be the first time!!



Patches Loves Her Blankie

She knows what the “good life” is all about!! 🙂  This is one of her two favorite places.



Sylvester the Hun

Shannon wrote a loving tribute to their 23-year-old black cat who died. It is truly a love story.

Survival Skills

The writing challenge asks my reaction to a black cat crossing my path.

If THAT was to happen,  I would scoop him up in my arms and check to see if he was our  Sylvester.

He was 23 years old when he died in my eldest son’s arms and I still miss him every damn day since he left.

Sylvester came to us in a very sneaky way. It was show and tell day in grade one and a little girl in my son’s class brought  a box full of kittens! (well-played, Mom *wink*)

Soon, the neighbourhood was full of black cats running around and he was but one of many for about five years.

From the start, he was the best cat ever. Chill. Low-maintenance. Independent.

He shared his home for the first few years with a very bitchy spaniel, so he learned to amuse himself in high places and outdoors.

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Patches Is Practising For Her Modeling Career

Imagine Patches on a luxurious chaise.

patches-posing-for-the-camera patches-strikes-a-comfortable-pose-2 patches-strikes-a-comfortable-pose patches-striking-a-comfortable-pose-3
